Thursday, April 22, 2010

And this is what I'm talking about!

Okay; small example today of being transformed rather than conformed. There is a joke making it's way around Facebook about our nation's president. I saw it because some of my friends had "liked" it, so it was on my homepage. I'll admit that when I read it, my first reaction was, "that's clever." But, then I caught myself. It was very inappropriate. It saddened me. No matter what you may think about the way President Obama is leading, we are to pray for God to bless him and our other leaders, not pray for his demise. Ephesians 5:4 says, "Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving." Now I like to have a good time and enjoy a joke as much as anybody. But, I needed to stop and consider if I would go with the flow of the culture and hastily share my amusement with all of my friends or if I would take seriously the commands of Scripture. It's not easy; I fall short all the time. But, enabled by His grace, I am being transformed.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. I just found your blog! I Love it! I think sometimes American Christians think it's okay to suspend that verse when it comes to cracking jokes about Democrats.

    (But to be fair, I have suspended that verse to crack jokes about Republicans. GOOD challenge for me to read this post. Thanks!)
